When reading about top places to visit in Taipei, one of the things that was in the top three was a restaurant called Din Tai Fung. The book said they made dumplings. 

Well, sure, I like dumplings, but I wasn't sure why I'd make a special trip somewhere  for them. It wasn't until I was out wandering around one day that I stumbled one  of their locations. Before I saw the restaurant, I actually saw the busload of tourists get out, so I knew something interesting was nearby.  The tourists started taking their picture in front of the place. 

Luckily, there was a large sign in front, in Chinese and English, which explained their history. After reading it, I understood why people make a special point of visiting.

Din Tai Fung makes many dishes, all reputed to be good, but they are known internationally for their soup dumplings, xiao long bao.  Din Tai Fung was named one of the best restaurants in the world in the 1990s and has been Michelin rated multiple times. It is the only Michelin rated restaurant in Taiwan. 

So, clearly, I had to try it, right? They even had a table free since I was there at an odd time.

I had no camera with me, which turned out to be quite a shame. My experience there was extraordinary. (If you want to see some pics of another person's visit, here's a link to their blog which actually supports the claims I am about to make ).http://epicureandculture.com/sampling-the-worlds-best-soup-dumplings-in-taiwan/

Anyway, I wasn't super hungry, so I just ordered a few soup dumplings. The service was wonderful; very friendly and solicitous. This restaurant clearly knows how to move a lot of people in and out every day.  On the table was soy sauce, vinegar and a small dish with a few slivers of ginger. There was also a direction card for mixing together the sauce, then actually eating the dumpling. 

The dumplings arrived. I mixed my sauce and vinegar with the ginger. I dipped the dumpling in the sauce carefully and then placed it in the soup spoon. The last step is poke a hole in the dumpling to release the hot soup that is INSIDE into the spoon. Carefully consume the delicious combination of sauce, soup, filling and wrapper. 

I am telling you...angels sang. They were food on a higher level of vibration than food for mortals. They were unbelievably delicious. It was completely worth it.

Din Tai Fung is one place I will  visit again before I leave Taipei, and next time, I'm going when I'm famished. More dumplings, please!

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